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God is now guiding and causing His people to discover the hidden opened doorway between the natural realm and the Spirit realm. Mankind has, through the ages, sought to partake in spiritual things through natural knowledge and understanding.

As natural unredeemed human beings, we are not equipped to communicate in the Spirit realm. The voices we hear from inside our minds we believe to be only our own devised from self-generated thoughts.

The unspiritual person does not recognize that spirit entities are speaking into their human understanding influencing their thinking. All thoughts come from somewhere and are going somewhere toward a destination. The influence of a thought may be small and seemingly insignificant, or it may be large and life-changing; in any case, they all do have some effect on our lives.

Remember, mankind was originally given the ability to function in the natural and spiritual realms. Spiritual discernment is required to distinguish the source and intent of a thought.

The natural unredeemed individual lacks Holy Spirit discernment and must rely on his own mind to know good and evil. This is partaking from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” that was in the Garden of Eden. It is the one tree in the Garden that God instructed mankind to not eat its fruit. There is no standard in their lives except their own knowledge which they devise in their minds from what they have experienced and the unknown influence of lying spirits of evil darkness.

If you understand these things, you can readily see how a huge segment of the world’s population is so filled with strange and evil ways. Vile and destructive ways of darkness and hatred toward anything of the true God in Christ Jesus have so confused and distorted their minds that they now see good as bad and bad as good, light as darkness, and darkness as light.


Many Christians are also caught in a portion of this web of deceit. They may have a reborn spirit but have not yet renewed their minds. In a moment, the spirit can be redeemed, and the life of Christ with all His desires of righteous living, can be birthed into their spirits. However, the mind must be renewed by the word of God received into their minds.

Our actions must be altered by ignoring the unredeemed mind’s understanding and by hearing directly from God in our redeemed spirit or from a person who hears God clearly. This must become our way of life until the mind is renewed according to Spirit God through our redeemed spirit.

After our minds are fully renewed it becomes our nature to walk in the ways of God by the Spirit. Our old desires are changed into His desires. As we continue to abide in Christ Jesus and He abides in us, His desires become our desires; then we can ask what we desire, and it is done. We feel no lack or frustration in our lives. We are at rest and in peace even in the midst of the storms of worldwide judgments. (John 15:7).

Getting the true word of God from God involves the work of Christ Jesus IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit must saturate our entire being. This initial filling process is referred to in the Bible as being “baptized with the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 3:11).

Some Christian believers who are still affected by the web of deceit deny or even despise this part of the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit or some other portions of the word and work of Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit today. Thus, their discernment is lacking, somewhat similar to that of an unredeemed person.

Receiving the word, as interpreted by religious teachers who are not receiving the truth from Christ in the Holy Spirit, can create confusion, divisions, and serious disorder in our lives. (Jude 1:12).

Discernment is the Spirit wisdom of God in us, a result of our in-love relationship with Father God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. It is the guidance of Spirit God in us, alerting and guiding us to know that which we cannot know in any natural way. This is part of the love communion of living and walking in the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:13-16),

Love is the first and greatest evidence of the Holy Spirit filling our spirit, mind, will, and emotions.


Many sincere believers have difficulty considering walking in the Spirit in the busyness of today’s fast-paced world of jobs and business. Pressure can be acute and unrelenting at times at any level, but especially at mid-management positions.

Can we truly walk in the spirit even in these conditions?

If our experience says it seems impossible to remain walking in the Spirit in these conditions, we may still have a measure of religion in our hearts and minds. We may be thinking that the only answers are to take time before the work day starts to pray and read the word and to catch moments during the day to come apart from the fray of the day to meditate with God, and these are good.

However, it is a religious mindset that says we must be quiet and still or singing, praying, or meditating to be in the Spirit. These things are indeed very good and even necessary to live in the Spirit.

However, God does not want us to take time out from Him to work or anything else. This is a difference between the real and the religious.

God is not bewildered or silenced by the wars or obstacles you face at work. He will go through it all with you to enable and strengthen you with supernatural and natural ability and wisdom to deal with every challenge or need in our everyday lives.

Look not to our own understanding. God’s wisdom is available to guide and empower us. If needed, He can send powerful holy angels to deal with the situations of life in this world. (Proverbs 3:5).

The reality is that we who have fallen in love with God have given our lives so that Spirit God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit can live in our bodies. All authority is on our side, and our part is mostly to let Him do His work in and through us. The hard part is convincing our minds to remain set on things from above. (Colossians 3:1-3).

In practical daily life, in every situation and conversation, ask God what he wants you to know about this and then what to do about it. God will guide your mind to know what is really going on and how to deal with it. Your reply or action may be a bit slower at first, but that is better than allowing a natural response without God’s full guidance.

This will eventually become a rapid, natural mode of operation in the fray of battle-like activity. God will give the words just as they need to be said to be received and understood by the hearer. Angels may have prepared the hearer to hear in a certain way.

It is like being on the front line of war and firing your weapon in the general direction of the enemy, and the angel guides the bullet directly to the target.

In other words, when we are walking in the Spirit at rest in God doing the work that He has given us to do, God is working with us every moment to accomplish the task at hand.


God’s purpose in business and jobs is to meet the needs of mankind and the world around us. And we are His chosen living breathing managers to care for His people and creation on Planet Earth according to His plans and desires.

That which we do may be to supply good food, housing, clothing, education, clean water, clean air, raw materials for building, spiritual needs, and anything or everything that mankind and the world systems need. It is not about just making money for me and mine.

Everything that we do in this life is to be ministry unto God providing for mankind and the world around us.


Spirit-led and Spirit-empowered life begins and functions only through constant communion with God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord, but we can only change this world while alive on earth. All the saints who have gone before us are cheering us onward to bring forth God’s wonderful plans and purposes on earth.

The enemy has propagated severely imbalanced doctrines in much of the Christian religion to attempt to deviate our lives from the major plan and purpose of God. (1 Timothy 4:1).

Briefly stated one of the imbalanced teachings is that our primary purpose in this life is to prepare to live for eternity in heaven with God because this temporary life on Earth is of little or no significance in comparison to eternity in heaven.

As always, in any effective lie, there must be some truth in it but a devastating twist in the mix. The devil’s doctrines are not put together by unintelligent and uninformed nonbiblical scholars. They are cunningly devised evil deceptions that fit well into religious doctrines as well as secular intellectual genius’s books of knowledge.

Yes, of course, heaven after this life is vital and very real. However, that is not our full purpose in this life on earth.

Again, briefly stated, our primary purpose while in this world is to bring heaven to earth by establishing the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. And again, our only opportunity to do that is while we are alive in our flesh and blood bodies on earth.

We who are alive and breathing on earth are the interface between Spirit God in Heaven and natural creation on Planet Earth. We are His Sons, joint heirs with Christ Jesus, His channel and authority to redeem and restore this world to as it is in heaven.


We are the ones and now is the time for us to be and do all that God has given us to be and do in this life. God and Christ Jesus, in many saints before us, have prepared the way. They are now looking from heaven to these current and near-future generations to finish their work.

This is our time to lose our lives to manifest the life of Christ Jesus restoring and returning this world to the true kingdom of God on Earth. Let His love reign and all evil darkness be consumed in the beauty of His holiness and the brilliance of His glory.

If we have ever tasted the glory of His holiness in the presence of His life in us, we do not need to wait until we grow weary of trying to live life to lay down our lives at His feet and leave them there.

When you are ready, pray with me in this short prayer and keep on praying it and seeking the full reality of His kingdom until it is done.


God living in us and with us is the kingdom of heaven come to Earth. It is eternal life now. It is Spirit to Spirit life in and with the natural physical seen world guiding and reforming it into the perfect order and design of God.

God’s perfect order is LOVE communion, which provides wisdom and power from Heaven and brings all things on Earth into alignment with Heaven.

To lose our natural control of life and find our Spirit life is the best trade we have made since receiving Jesus as our savior. It is the best possible life for us.

“I have been young, and now am old;Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,Nor his descendants begging bread.” Psalm 37:25.

“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Matthew 19:26).

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’” Mark 9:23.

Love and Blessings

,Ron McGatlin



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