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'Dreaming and Dream Recall Everyone Dreams' Dr Barbie Breathitt

Dreaming and Dream Recall Everyone Dreams

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12 NIV). I have often said, "Share your dreams with me, and I will not only tell you who you are now, but who you are destined to become." Similar to the powers of our imagination, dreaming is a universal human phenomenon uniting people across barriers of age, gender, racial background, social differences, and historical circumstances.

Dreams are our inner man at work revealing our nature to us. "I never dream" "I never remember my dreams!" These are two very common fallacies that people assume.

Be assured that everyone, regardless of who they are, what they believe, or where they come from, dreams. We dream for about an hour each night. Without dreams, the brain cannot process the massive amounts of information it receives on a daily basis. Mental breakdowns and poor health are the results of lack of sleep and the resulting inability to process information through dreaming.

Dreams have many emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits. They bring access to spiritual messages about blessing and they bring insight into God‘s plans. They bring us vision and guidance in everyday life and circumstances.

Dreams free our minds, provide clarity, dispel confusion, and enable us to function with mental lucidity during the day. Dreams release accumulated tension and fear, and they bring release from built up stress by providing a vacation for our minds. Dreams answer questions and bring wisdom to solve difficult problems.

They make us aware of how to break bad, perplexing habits, and how to remove hindrances or obstacles that are keeping us from reaching our full potential. Dreams unleash us into creativity and inventiveness. They make us more open, flexible, and attuned to our God-given abilities. In summary, dreams give us the keys to unlock our aspirations, potential, and destiny. They bring healing to our brokenness by helping us to see its root causes. A single dream may have one or many layered messages.

A succession of dreams can tell an amazing story as in an adventure movie. Dreams serve as valuable problem solvers. They act as the computer of our subconscious mind that reveals hidden data from the input we receive throughout the day. Other benefits of dreaming include the following: • Healing, comfort, health, and well-being • Direction, instruction and clarity • Prosperity, success, and increase • Destiny, insight, and wisdom • Warning • Correction • Answers to questions • Information, revelation, and counsel • Challenges to the dreamer Dreams have the ability to take us out of the natural realms of time. They can move us back into the past, help us to deal with the present, or launch us into the future. The past is history, the future is a mystery and the present is a gift. That‘s why they call it a present. A dream aligns us with the present moment and reveals our true selves. When looking into a dream we are looking into a mirror. When we look into a mirror we see the natural image of ourselves. Just like in a mirror, by looking into our dream life we can see qualities of ourselves represented by characters or symbols in the dream. Spiritually speaking, we are known fully and completely by a loving Creator.

We are destined to reflect his image when we come to know him in different dimensions. The closer we draw to him the more of his light we absorb, and the more we are changed because we can see ourselves clearly. We are beings of light because our creator is the Father of Light. We are called to live a life where nothing is hidden from his sight but everything is exposed to his light. Things that are concealed in darkness will only detract from our potential and will eventually cause us to stumble and fall.

Dreams bring light to our lives by dispelling the darkness. God projects pictures and images upon the screens of our hearts. He speaks tenderly with life-giving creative words. If we will embrace these messages with faith and obedience we will be transformed. If we ignore his dream messages we will remain the same.

Unchanged people forget who they are called to be. When we do this, we risk never reaching our destiny or full potential. Dreams are a mirror image of the soul and reflect our inner condition by revealing what will transpire if changes do not take place in us.

The kind of attitude we have and the emphasis and value we place on dreams will determine the beneficial results we will receive from them.

Dreams are like relationships we maintain with friends. If we nurture them and pay attention to them they will grow and develop. If we ignore and neglect them they will dry up, vaporize and disappear.

If we listen to them, write them down in a journal and follow their instruction they will become a counselor to us. But if we ignore them they will not flourish....

The greatest power in the universe is love,

Dr. Barbie Breathitt


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