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Right now, many are finding themselves suddenly in transition, stepping out of a painful season of dishonor.

You’ve been used by Saulish leaders - those who sought to build their own kingdoms while ignoring what you carry.

You’ve dealt with endless orphan mindsets from other believers around you, who have cut you down and shut doors at every turn.

You have been aligned with those who tolerated the Jezebel spirit and found yourself cleaning up their messes, worn down from carrying them spiritually.

Your vision has been stolen, copied, and manipulated by those around you, just when you thought you had found a safe place to birth it.

You’ve been gaslit, manipulated, faced constant control, and pulled in every direction, leaving you feeling disoriented and doubting your own discernment and prophetic calling.

But now, the Lord is leading you out suddenly! 

Like Egypt, He is bringing you out of a long season of assault and bondage that has thwarted your true purpose and path.

And you will see the Lord deliver you from the control, manipulation, and dishonor you’ve endured.

He is bringing you out of the entanglements that have held you down, severing ties with the past, and creating a clear path for your next season.

But I felt the Lord wanted me to give some practical keys to finishing these seasons well:


How you leave this season will influence the next one. 

The way you end this chapter will either unlock or delay the new beginning that’s waiting for you.

The enemy would love to see you leave angry, bitter, and carrying unresolved hurt, but God is inviting you to release it all to Him.


Give them to Him. I know you want to slam the door and burn down the house, but just as Jesus quietly left Nazareth when they didn’t honor Him, by simply walking away and moving on, you are allowing God to be your vindicator and breaker, leading you out into the new day.


God is inviting you to lay down the pain of this season.

The hurt, the betrayal, and the dishonor are real, but He’s asking, “Will you trust Me with it?”

As you surrender the weight, you will begin to feel the chains falling off—chains that have been trying to hold you in the old season and prevent you from transitioning into the new.

Let go of the need to fight for justice—God is your defender, and He can handle it far better than you ever could.


Not everything from this past season is meant to go with you into the next.

Some relationships, alignments, and connections need to be left behind.

It’s time to unhook yourself from the unhealthy ties that have kept you bound.

God is pruning these attachments because they can’t carry the weight of what He’s about to do in your life.

But there are also unholy ties that need to be severed—strings of control, manipulation, and ties to people who have been using you and exerting dominance and ownership over you. These must be broken!

Jesus told His disciples that if a town doesn’t receive you, to dust off your feet and leave. You must dust off your feet right now! Break the unholy vows. Cancel the contracts!


Repaying dishonor with dishonor never works. Trust me.

There’s something powerful that happens when you choose honor in the face of dishonor.

Just as David chose to honor Saul instead of taking his life in the cave, your actions in this moment ripple into your next season.

While others may expect you to retaliate, God is calling you to take the higher road.

Honor disarms the enemy and positions you to receive fresh favor.

I know that when you leave a season, this is often when you see people’s true colors come to the surface as they realize they can’t control you anymore. They attack you even more, say nasty things, speak against you to others, and increase their mind games.

But as you choose honor regardless, it disarms their demonic games and leads you out! 


I felt the Lord say, “Prophesy double honor!”

So today, I prophesy over you a season of double honor and restoration.

The dishonor you faced won’t define you, and God is turning it around for your good.

Where you were dishonored, He is now bringing honor and recovery of everything you lost or that was robbed from you.

Where you were overlooked, He is positioning you for unprecedented favor.

Where you were gaslit and your calling squashed and stifled, God is now picking it up off the ground and reviving it.

You will step into a new chapter of capacity to dream with God and vision with clarity.

No more wearing a hundred hats or being spread thin building others’ empires.

No more waking up to the daily drama of others' demons and carrying their dysfunctions.

This new chapter will be a season of single-minded focus where you move forward with clarity, purpose, and freedom, and find the joy of stepping into the assignment that God has given to you.

Get ready to dream again, laugh again, and walk in joy again.

It’s time to exit, dust off your feet, wash your hands, and follow Jesus into the new day.

Nate Johnston


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