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Recently, I heard the Lord speaking over the people of God and He said, ‘Draw close to Me and allow Me to disciple you in discernment.’

The sense surrounded me so strongly, of the need for increased discernment in the days ahead.

As I leaned in and listened to what the Lord was saying, I heard:

‘I am calling My people to draw close to Me now, for great discernment is needed now and even greater discernment will be needed in the days to come. For there is great deception that the enemy is bringing into the earth and I am raising up a people who are living DISCIPLED in MY DISCERNMENT. I am calling My people to come to Me in deep surrender and humility: to come to Me with a teachable spirit and heart and allow Me to school them in the ways of discernment. For many are masking their opinion as discernment, and it is not the discernment of My Spirit and My heart. For in the days to come — in the shaking that will come — those that are walking in the discernment of My Spirit, rooted and grounded in the place of intimacy with Me and founded in My Word, will be clear to see. It is time for My people to lay aside opinions and offences and come to Me and allow Me to disciple them in discernment.

‘As I bring you, My people, deeper into the place of discernment in this hour, you must come not only with a teachable heart but an obedient heart. For what I am going to reveal in this hour — what I am doing and My ways and also uncovering the enemy and his plans — is going to require an even greater shifting of some alignments.

As I bring more dross to the surface there will be even greater shaking that will come to hearts, but in the shaking of what I reveal, you MUST live DEEPLY in the place of trust. There is an even deeper dependence and trust upon what I reveal, what I show you and where I lead you, My people: and you must NOT try to work it out with your natural mind, for this will send you into a place of confusion, a place of torment and a place of delay. This is the time to truly come even closer to My heart and listen to what I am saying and move on the discernment that I give unto you.

‘As I disciple you in discernment in greater ways in these coming days, it is imperative that you remain deeply in My Word and know that I will confirm all that I am revealing. This is not a time to run and hide, this is a time to arise and stand confident on that which I am revealing. For I will confirm My discernment that I am releasing to you in this hour in greater ways. I will speak to you in the night hours.

PAY ATTENTION to your dreams and that which I speak in the night hours. Watch as I reveal to you as you sleep MUCH that will be needed for the days ahead. For I will open up and reveal mysteries (Daniel 2:22) contained within My Word and My heart that will be a light and a guide for your feet in this hour.

‘There is an even greater testing that is coming in the deep place of discipling in discernment. For I am not revealing and exposing and bringing things into the light — and also revealing divine secrets of My heart and intel — so it may be paraded and passed on. I am looking for those that I can trust in greater ways with the secrets of My heart, the divine intel I am releasing and the increased discernment, wisdom and spiritual intelligence that I am pouring out. There will be a great test upon you, My people, of the stewardship of discernment and divine intel in this hour.

For My fire is coming upon hearts in the increasing discipleship in discernment to expose the areas where intel and discernment would be used for many to “be seen.” Great shall be the shaking and great shall be the dealings of My hand. I am looking for those who can be entrusted in greater ways with the discernment and intel I am releasing.

‘I am raising up tribes and communities like never before to stand together and to govern in the earth in unprecedented ways. For I have and am bringing those alongside you, My people, to stand and build with you in this hour; and together as the eagles you will fly. But I say unto you, the discernment and the intel I am releasing is not to be handed and revealed to whomever you choose. For in what is to be shared and released, remain humble and teachable: listening to My voice and walking in wisdom in whom to share and weigh with — WHEN I LEAD!

‘“Being discipled in discernment, and being led by My eye and My wisdom and My Spirit in this hour is urgent. I am calling you deeper. I am calling you deeper. Come close to My heart and listen to My voice. Live deeply and even deeper in the place of intimacy with Me. As deception increases significantly in the days to come, living deeply in My heart and My Word, remaining teachable and allowing Me to disciple you in discernment, will see you hear as I hear and see as I see in greater ways.

Make room to be discipled by Me in discernment and watch great deliverance, direction and wisdom come to you that is greatly needed for the days ahead.’

I have set the Lord continually before me;

Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’ Psalm 16:8 (AMP)

Lana Vawser


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