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Recently, I heard the Lord say, 'I AM RE-ENGAGING THE DREAMERS.' The word 're-engage' was one that was heavily upon my heart over the last few weeks, as the Lord continued to highlight it.

As I leaned into the Lord and listened to His heart, I heard:

'Arise, oh dreamers! Arise! Come out of the ashes, oh dreamers, and arise into a greater realm of dreaming with Me. I am DISCONNECTING YOU from discouragement. I am DISCONNECTING YOU from despair and heaviness. I am DISCONNECTING YOU from the wiles of witchcraft that have held you down, and I am thundering over you, “ARISE, OH DREAMER.” I am breaking off of you, all that has contained you from dreaming with Me in these days. I am now establishing the dreams that have been shut down in the years gone by, and I am declaring My Resurrection power upon them. For many have of you have been contained in, “I have failed,” and those chains of perceived failure have contained you. But I say unto you, that I am breaking those chains of failure that have kept you bound. I am bringing you into a realm of FAITH to partner with Me the dreams I have placed inside of you — for My Glory and for the extension of My Kingdom in the earth — to be suddenly resurrected in My name. 

'For I am blowing My fierce wind of acceleration and movement upon these dreams and many of you will see them suddenly established. Many of you will see the first fruits of these dreams suddenly manifest — for some of you, overnight — and you will begin to see rapid movement on that which I placed inside of you. For I say to those of you who have had your heads bowed down, in regards to dreaming with Me: there has been a heaviness and a disconnect over you dreaming with Me, I am BREAKING that disconnect and I am bringing you into a deeper place of re-engagement in dreaming with Me. For many, where the weight of the wait has been long, I say unto you, that I am re-engaging your heart with the dreams I have given you, and I am bringing forth the manifestation of that which I have spoken to you.

'I am releasing courage to you, My people, in this hour. For as I invite you deeper into My heart to dream with Me again, there are things that I am releasing to you in this hour: dreams that I am birthing with you that require you to step out of the boat. They require you to go against the grain in many ways. And I say unto you, that as you hear and see the dreams that are being birthed in the secret place with Me — in the deep chambers of My heart, together as we co-labour — listen not to the chatter of those around you, that can limit the magnitude of that which I have spoken and the WAY that I am birthing these dreams through you. For I am delivering you from filters in this hour, words of man, doubts, past hurts, insecurities, areas where you felt like you have failed, fear that masks the way you see the dreams that I am causing to be birthed through you: and I am bringing you deeper into the place of being locked eyes with Me. 

'Oh how I am raising up a people who are locked eyed with Me, and they see that NOTHING is impossible in Me. They look into My eyes and they see the endless possibilities in dreaming from the place of deep intimacy with Me, because of WHO I AM. I am declaring over you that there will no longer be containment and haze over your dreaming with Me. I say unto you, draw close, listen in closely, listen to My voice and you will SEE THE STRATEGY for the birthing of the dreams that I am birthing in you and through you and inviting you into.

'I say unto you, PAY ATTENTION to your dreams in the night hours. I am re-engaging you with your dreams in the night hours at a deeper level. For there are many who have stopped dreaming. There are many who have faced terrors in the night, there are many who have had such confusion in their dreams and attacks of witchcraft: but I say unto you, I have begun to shift this in a powerful way. I am breaking all that has come against your dream life: and I am also bringing you into a deeper place of hearing and receiving the strategies that I am releasing in this hour, for the building and birthing of all that I am doing in the earth. I say unto you, DIVINE INTELLIGENCE is being released in dreams on an unprecedented scale. 

'Do NOT be quick to dismiss your dreams because of lack of understanding. For I am increasing discernment RAPIDLY in dreams and you MUST pay attention. Take what I am revealing and releasing to you in dreams and bring them to Me and allow Me to lead you and guide you in all that I am saying. As this divine intelligence increases in dreams in this hour, be sure to ask for My wisdom and discernment in the sharing of these dreams. I am raising up the Josephs in this hour, who carry My divine strategy and My solutions to prepare for days ahead and carry My divine intelligence: but be not quick to release and share the dreams that I give unto you, for many are not for the public space. Many are the spaces of invitation deeper into My heart: for intercession and for the outworking of My wisdom and strategy in the earth.

'In dreams in this hour, I am delivering many from DOUBT. For there are many who have DOUBTED and lowered their discernment and have ignored that which I have been revealing. I am going to train you afresh in discernment in many ways, and one of them is AS YOU SLEEP. Be not quick to DISMISS that which I am speaking. Many of you will begin to see that which I am revealing to you in your sleep, MANIFEST in the natural: and this will confirm that which I have shown you. I am teaching you and training you to TRUST that which I am revealing to you, EVEN WHEN you don't understand. Again, I say unto you, you must NOT let your opinions, preconceived ideas and filters cause you to dismiss your discernment. As you stay deep in My Word and close to My heart, you will see Me reveal more and more in this hour in your dreams, and I will then SHOW YOU what to do with what I reveal. Be NOT quick to run to man.'

I then saw a book in the spirit and on the cover it said 'NATIONS.' The sense surrounded me SO strongly, that contained within this book was divine intel from the heart of the Lord that was sacred and found in the place of VERY deep intimacy. It felt so strongly like the secrets of the Lord's heart. When the book was opened, I saw the Cross in the middle of the book. The Gospel!! Our beautiful Jesus, THE ANSWER!!!! As I looked at the Cross, I could feel the power of the Gospel thundering. I could feel the power of His resurrection power filling the pages of this book. I heard Matthew 12:21 thundering around me, 'And his name will be the hope of all the world.' (NLT) And as I looked again, I saw the Cross turn to a key, then back to the Cross. 

Back and forth, over and over, and I heard the Lord say:

'I AM the answer for the nations. I AM the hope for the nations. IN ME is contained all wisdom and solutions for the nations. I am raising up My people in this hour to proclaim My name and My Gospel in the earth in greater ways, and see to a great harvest of souls — those I have created — returned unto Me. I AM the answer for unlocking the nations and IN ME there are solutions, strategies, wisdom and insight: to pray, to intercede, to build and to establish in the earth all that will lift My name high, bring down the kingdom of darkness and make MY LIGHT to shine brightly in the earth.

'Pay attention to your dreams, as I am supernaturally increasing, at a rapid rate, My revelation and intel for the nations in this hour. Arise, oh dreamers, proclaiming My Gospel, proclaiming My name in all the earth, and interceding from the intel I am releasing. Arise, oh dreamers, for such a time as this.'

Lana Vawser



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