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'Persistence Against the Resistance!'Chuck Pierce

Chuck Pierce: Persistence Against the Resistance!

A Time to Choose: Don't Hold Back!

I recently returned from ministering in Houston. While there, I received this word from Penny Jackson, which is so appropriate for now:

"People need to hear Me right now. They need to know I am encouraging them to advance and aggressively press ahead, that I can guide them through. They need to know that I am with them, I am fighting for them, that I will show them clearly each step to take. These are exciting times, times for the final battle approaching, [and] things lining out on this earth as they haven't before.

"This is such a different season. You will see things that will cause you to just watch in wonder. You will see displays of My power that others have only dreamed of. You will see Me move in ways that you will know only I could have done it.

"There will be no question or wondering of the source. There will be such a draw to Me in this, and yet many will fight it. While many will be drawn, there will still be a falling away. It will be too much for some, too much commitment. People will have to choose, and some will fall away.

"Don't be dismayed by those who won't go forward. They have to choose for themselves. It's a choice only they can make. While it will be hard to watch, don't let it pull you down or pull you back. Move forward with what you know and what you see. Don't hold back."

Persistence Against the Resistance!

If we are going to battle for the high places, then we must learn to persevere. I am so grateful for the flow of prophetic revelation that continues to move through the Global Spheres Center. Here is a portion of what was released yesterday:

"I am giving My people a new level of persistence against the resistance. There is a new empowering with the persistence of the Lord. You will not give in.

"I am putting a new level of authority on the inside of you. You shall stand in this hour, and though the enemy would resist your family, though the enemy would resist your finances, though the enemy would resist your health, there is a persistence in My people that shall stand against the resistance.

"I am giving you new weapons of warfare, and the Blood shall empower those weapons in a new way. Be filled with the persistence of the Lord, for He was persistent to do all that He had been sent here to do, and you shall be persistent to fulfill what I have called you for in this hour.

"Many of My people have tried to systematically organize their deliverance, but you must ascend in worship to get deliverance.

"I am sending this storm to stir up the gift that is inside of you, and you are trying to routinize My deliverance. I am sending the storm to stir up the gift inside of you again.

"Many of you have given in to the power of the world system for your deliverance, but I am stirring up the hornet once more. I am stirring up the storm to get My people positioned to cross over into a new time of abundance. The gift of faith, the gift of giving, the gift of war must be stirred in My people once again! Stir up the gift inside you!

"The incubation period is over. I am ending the incubation period. There is so much richness inside of you, so much wealth inside of you that has been in this place of concealment for so long—it's time! It's time!

"There is a reality that I need you to see to overtake, and then grab the plunder. There is a war, but you have been so concealed in all these promises and been surrounded by My presence. It's time for you to come out. It's time for you to come out of hiding and start to overtake the land that I am birthing you into [in] this hour.

Chuck D. Pierce and Team

Glory of Zion International Ministries

" (Prophetic word given by Barbara Wentroble, Keevy Phillips, and Jane Arenas.)

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