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'Expect Dramatic Promotions In August Look At These Dates "Dr Candice Smithyman

Now no matter what happens on the Hebrew calendar—even though we are in the month of Tammuz, with all its warfare and "Between the Straights" and "Three Weeks of Mourning"—it does not change that it is the month of August, the 8th month on the Gregorian calendar. And God always promotes this month and sets us up for advancement directly following the Three Weeks of Mourning.

Tammuz is the name of a Babylonian god. The month was named after this god by the Jews so that they could remember their sin of worshiping the golden calf (which took place this month) in Exodus 32. This month has been a time of stripping and stretching. God has been revealing things that have become idols in our lives. During this stripping, He has been getting you ready for promotion and acceleration.

Why would God promote in such a difficult month on the Hebrew calander? Even though the Hebrew calendar is God's calendar, it always shifts from the month of Tammuz into the new month of Av, which means the month of "comfort." Av is tough in the beginning for the first nine days, but then it quickly becomes a month of promotion and acceleration. ["The first nine days of the month of Av, and also the morning of the tenth, are days of acute mourning for the destruction of the first and second Holy Temples" (see]

God has been revealing the idols in our lives in the month of Tammuz because we can't be entangled with these idols while God is promoting us and expanding and growing us! Many of you have received tests of promotion this past week in the area of finances, relationships, and distractions regarding needs for provision, protection, and acceptance. God has been faithful to help you deter the temptations.

Matthew 6:24 says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

August 1 is the first day of the month of new beginnings on the Gregorian calendar [eight symbolizes new beginnings]. August 8 is the day of new beginnings in the month of new beginnings. Then August 13 is the last day of the Three Weeks of Mourning in Israel, or the 9th of Av, which is a day of fasting and prayer over the temple destructions and the sin of worshiping the golden calf in Exodus 32. Directly following this day, August 13, at sundown, our advancement comes that night, when mourning ends.

God is going to send you some fresh ideas.

Here is a prophetic warning: DO NOT make your fresh ideas idols, as they will hold you back if you begin to worship them. You are called to worship Him and serve Him only. You have been through a lot of warfare, but now it is time to advance, and you don't want the old with the new, or even the new becoming an idol.

Creative ideas are going to come fast, and this is because these ideas will help the Kingdom to expand. Receive the idea but keep yourself in perfect alignment and timing with Him as those ideas grow, develop and accelerate.

You are moving forward in this time of acceleration. Things are going to go fast! Keep your focus on God and only grab ahold of the things He is asking you to grab. Promotion time and acceleration are here!



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