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Recently, I heard the Lord say, 'RECOMPENSE, RECOMPENSE, HERE IS THE DOOR OF RECOMPENSE.' As I leaned in and listened to the Lord's heart, I heard:

'There is recompense, upon recompense, upon recompense being released right now. I am speaking rapid recompense and there is a door of recompense that is being walked through right now, and there is a shaking off of the old season. There is a shedding of the old season, and its effects upon many, taking place right now and I am bringing My people into swift recompense.

'My people, I say unto you, that this is the hour where I am supernaturally suddenly bringing recompense into your life that is on an unprecedented scale: and it is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit and the winds of My Spirit that are breathing fiercely upon your lives to bring you into a position of receiving recompense for many seasons gone by, and where the enemy has stolen, killed and destroyed. I say unto you, My people, that I am the avenging God. I am the God that REPAYS: and I say unto you, do not doubt My faithfulness, do not doubt My Word, for this is the hour where you shall see with your eyes, manifested before you the REPAYMENT OF YOUR GOD.

'I say unto you, that many of you have felt like you were living under so much for so long, but the wind of My Spirit is blowing fiercely. I am breathing upon you, My people, to AWAKEN YOU to your true position and reality that you are MORE than conquerors in Me. (Rom 8:37) I say unto you, that where many of you have been feeling like you are languishing, this swift recompense that I am bringing you to and into, will bring LIFE to you again. I say unto you, that the breath of My Spirit that will flow into you as the recompense is received will bring many of your hearts back to life. There will be NO MORE LANGUISHING, but you shall know now — in a deeper way that you have ever known — the LAVISH ABUNDANT LOVE and GOODNESS of your God. I am your God who LAVISHES My love upon you. (1 John 3:1)

'My people, where many of you have felt like you have been living in the land of dry bones, I say unto you, prophesy again! (Ez 37:1-14) Prophesy again that which I am speaking to you to prophesy: for with great recompense is coming great resurrection life and resurrection power. My people, where many of you have lamented over and over many dry bones, I say unto you, PROPHESY AGAIN, for the dry bones will rattle as My breath comes upon these bones and brings life to them. The things that have been so dry and dead in your life, as you align your faith and your prophetic declaration to these dry bones again, they will COME ALIVE. There is sudden resurrection power being released upon the dry bones and they shall LIVE AGAIN. 

'PROPHESY, My People, PROPHESY! I say unto you, that many of you have felt like you have been one living in the valley of dry bones. You feel like you have been dry — your heart has felt wearied and withered in many ways — but I say unto you, My breath is fiercely blowing upon you, and I am bringing you back to life. I am breathing life and fruitfulness back into your life. I am bringing many hearts back to life, and not only will these hearts come back to life but I am baptising them afresh in the fire of My Spirit. I am awakening you from your sleep and from your dryness into life abundant.

'I am bringing forth recompense upon things that have been laid down and given up on. There have been many things that have been laid down and given up on because of seasons many have walked. I say unto you, where the enemy tried to weary you and take you out, repent for laying down and giving up, and receive the recompense of My hand in this hour to BEGIN AGAIN. Not only will you see resurrection power and life on things that have been laid down and given up upon, but you shall see a supernatural expansion of My hand to bring forth a greater fruitfulness and increase. It's TIME TO EXPAND. Pick up again, what you have laid down and given up on. Pick it up! I am increasing your expectation supernaturally, and the recompense you are walking into is going to leave you in awe and wonder of who I am. You will see, IN ME, nothing is wasted and nothing is beyond My restoration and recompense.

'I say unto you, My people, pay attention to time in this hour. For many have felt like much time has been lost in the seasons gone by, and this season, because of much warfare and hardship they have endured. But I say unto you, I am bringing forth a recompense of TIME. I say unto you, that not only am I redeeming time, not only am I bringing forth great supernatural fruitfulness, but I am moving you, My people, into a deeper understanding that time is but a resource to Me. You will see Me supernaturally bend time on your behalf in this hour. You will see Me supernaturally extend time for you, in this hour — as you follow My wisdom and My ways — and you will see what should have taken a year to complete, done in a week. You will see a supernatural acceleration of fruitfulness and a supernatural extension and bending of time, in this hour, that is beyond your human capacity and logic to understand.

'It's supernatural, and the EASE and ANOINTING of My Spirit that you shall move in, in this hour, as you live close to Me in the secret place — listening to My heart and following My wisdom and My ways — you shall see fruitfulness and ease as I bend and extend time for you to accomplish all that I have called you to do and put your hands to and to see My plans and purposes extend further and further, you will be left in awe of what I will do. NOTHING is impossible for Me. NOTHING! Expand, expand, expand: but you only expand BY MY HAND, not the expansion of man. I am baptising you afresh My people, in My strength and might to do all I am calling you to do in this hour, as you live deeply dependent upon Me. Arise! Arise! Arise! Watch a mighty recompense of time be released unto you.

'There is a shedding of the old season that is taking place in a gloriously violent and ferocious way, by My hand, bringing you into a new season and the greatest demonstrations of My recompense that you have ever seen. Get ready to be accelerated in alignment AGAIN! It's My divine order coming into being and My justice being seen.'

 Lana Vawser


Developing Your Prophetic Gift Oct 8 7 PM CDT

1 Corinthians 14 :: NIV. Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. Subscribe to


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