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Peace and Joy are the first children born to the marriage of Holiness and Humility.

Holiness leads to victories and fills the house with peace.Humility keeps it standing strong and fills it with joy.

A life, a house, or a nation filled with the love of God will stand strong in holiness and humility.

The only way to be filled with the love of God is to be in love with God.

The only way to fall in love with God is through communion with Him through a personal, intimate relationship with Him. God is Spirit, and those who come to Him must come in Spirit.


We are created spirit beings in a marvelous natural body. Our minds are uniquely designed to interact with the natural and the spiritual realms.

God’s plan is for our minds to be guided and strengthened by the Spirit of God through our spirits and then rule in the world according to God’s leading.

The human mind will adjust to whatever it is fed and is vulnerable to whatever spirit is the source of the words, visions, or thoughts that we choose to receive. The mind will believe whatever it sees and hears repeatedly from any source, especially from a respected source.

There are many spirits that can affect the beliefs of our minds. However, there are two major categories, and all others fall into one or the other.

The two categories are sometimes referred to as light and darkness, life and death, love and unlove, God and devil, and other terms.

The two major categories are not equal. In fact, one is just the lack of the other. Darkness is just the absence of light, and death is the absence of life.

God is the ultimate Father above all creation.

We cannot change our lives without changing our minds. We cannot change our minds unless we change what we hear and see. And we will not change what we hear and see until we change the spirit that rules in our spirit. We must be filled with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, to fully receive light, life, and love that will cause us to desire to hear and see things of light and no longer have a taste for things of darkness.

That which we look at or listen to must change in order to change our beliefs and actions. No matter how hard we try to change our behavior, it will not work until we change what we are watching and listening to, and especially that which we meditate upon.


The Spirit of holiness, Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit, is the connector, the transporter, and the translator that receives Father God’s love, thoughts, instructions, wisdom, knowledge, and power and delivers it to His willing and chosen people.

In this holy union, our spirit communes with God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and becomes saturated or filled with Spirit God. Our spirit becomes His Spirit and resets the patterns in our minds as it influences our beliefs and understandings and begins to form the mind of Christ within us.

Christ Jesus is literally alive on earth in our earthly bodies. We are in this world as Christ. “Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.” 1 John 4:17.

Christ in His people is in the world now to establish the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven and return the kingdoms of this world to Father God. (1 Corinthians 15:24) (Colossians 1:27).

Fully redeeming mankind was and is the first order of redemption. The overall objective is to fully redeem all the Earth to God’s original design. All of the systems of the world and all that is on it or in it are designed to function together in perfect balance under the care of God through mankind.

Mankind left their place as Spirit sons of God to attend to the self-made ways of their deceived minds, subjecting the world to the darkness of the guidance of ungodliness.

Simply said, Eve and then Adam heard the words of the snake and meditated upon them. Eve listened to the voice of the snake and then Adam heard them from Eve. They meditated on the delicious appearance of the fruit and the words of the snake and their minds were altered by what they heard and saw. (Genesis 3).

The systems of this world are suffering, seeking to withstand the effects of darkness or lack of God’s leadership through mankind.

“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Romans 8:19-22.


Each awakening to the revelation of God and His word is the greatest to that point in man’s progressive availability to receive more.

That which Paul wrote two thousand years ago about the creation eagerly waiting for the sons of God is now coming forth in this world.

Judaism and Christianity have preserved the written word of Jesus and the works of apostles and prophets through the ages.  Many religious structures and systems retained the early history and shadows or promises of things to come through writings, feasts, and customs.

Religion was a very valuable piece of the ever-advancing reality of the redemption and restoration of mankind and the world.

The awakening taking place today involves the real thing coming forth as promised and foreshadowed in past religious traditions. The temple traditions and the church traditions, with all their images or facsimiles or shadows of things to come, are passing away in the face of the actual reality coming forth.     

A major part of this awakening is the realization that God and Christ Jesus are Spirit beings now on earth who fill our Spirits and replace the spirit life that we once lived with their Spirit life. The power of God is within us to do the supernatural and natural works as Jesus did while in His flesh body on earth.

We don’t need to wait for a physical natural body of Christ to return to do the works of God. We are truly becoming collectively the body of Christ on earth. Spirit life is eternal and much greater and more powerful than natural flesh and blood bodies. However, to do the works in the natural world, we must have living natural bodies. Our bodies are not eternal they are temporal. Our Spirit being is who we really are now and forever.

The manifesting of the kingdom of God on earth is the work of Spirit Christ manifesting on earth in His people. This is the world-changing event of the presence of Christ in God by the Holy Spirit abiding in our body as our Spirit. This is the season of the manifest Son of God abiding in the sons of God on earth.

We also must truly abide in Him, seated with Him in heaven at the right hand of God. This is all Spirit reality that manifests into the natural world to fill the created world with the Glory of God. This is the coming of the kingdom of God and His righteousness on Earth as it is in heaven. (Ephesians 2:6).

This is true holiness that Christ Jesus lives in us being and doing who He is and, at the same time, the most humbling thing in the world is to be loved and chosen by God to lay down our lives so that He can live in this world. Thank you Jesus!

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10 KJV.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 KJV.

Ron McGatlin


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