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'The Church Alive in 2025 World Wide' Dr. Theresa Phillips

I was worshipping when suddenly I heard Over Here Lord!

I looked up to see who was crying out to GOD.

I then realized it was coming from an outside source.

I kept worshipping when again I heard Over Here Lord!!!!

I now realized once again it was outside the building. 

Then.. The Holy Spirit began to talk to me

Theresa the next season will bring about a RENEWAL. Now I was getting excited in a HUGE way!

He continued..

My People the church will come alive in 2025. I have already begun to allow some prophetic voices proclaim this new and FRESH liberty I am releasing to the believer's. 

I am hiding some prophetic voices for a time to come!

Get ready the signs of Angelic beings and of Glory are entering extravagant worship.

Many well talented musicians will hold worship services in the streets! As they do instruments will be heard that are not present and many will weep for joy.

Churches which were once laid desolate will begin to fill.

Small and large. Even hone churches will fill and Communion will be taken often and i willbless it!1 Corinthians 10:16-17 

The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.

O Pay ATTENTION you will begin to see a dramatic change in Canada and in the United Kingdom.

Europe will have many new leaders and Romania will reinstate the Monarchy for a Constitutional Monarchy for OLD traditions will emerge. 

Many are eyeing the idea now says the Lord Brazil, France, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Afghanistan, Albania, Portugal . All considering a Constitutional Monarchy. 

There will be several changing of leadership and many will allow renewal - in the Word and Spirit.

Leadership will be challenged but the one with the heart of the nation will win says the Lord!

The church in America will begin to preach the Witten Word and call believers into houses of worship.

They will expose the heart of deception that kept them out and many will come to repentance.

Also in America you will see many believers start business and become media experts. `

Old crafts like pottery and fabric making will emerge. This will be a SIGN that I am reshaping ( the Potters Wheel) and weaving tapestries of people bound to holiness for a SPIRIT of HOLINESS will emerge and many who were deceived will be saved and transformed. 

Get ready for I  have heard your prayers, you will see HOLLYWOOD come out with new films that are filled with faith, purpose and saving grace.

I am calling many out of deception! Be prepared to LOVE THEM.

O America I love you as I love a child Now grow in Dignity and Purpose says the Lord. 

Many will return to their first Love 

Revelation 2:4-5 which states, "But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the first works.

O Yes America you will see renewal and you will see the SPIRIT of Evangelism emerge and there will be out-pouring in many places. 

If you can see it you shall have it says the Lord. 

Jeremiah 1:12 Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

Be Alive in 25 

Dr Theresa Phillips


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