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'The Seventy Year Plan' Kevin Vawser

The Seventy Year Plan

Have you ever faced a long season and wondered if it would ever end?


I (Kevin) once worked for a wholesaler, it was a good job but I was quite immature when I started. Nonetheless the manager was quite patient and it was a good environment.


A year into the job the manager left, and a new manager started. I don't know why he singled me out, but he seemed to really dislike me. He lied about me on his team reports to the regional management and would go out of his way to be unfair to me.

Nonetheless – I felt God compel me to stay. After 6 months he left suddenly, and I ended up becoming the acting manager of the whole branch for quite some time.


I know it was only 6 months, and frankly I've endured harder seasons since – but it certainly was a clear example of God leading me with perseverance through a time of persecution or hardship. It was a time I learned about protecting my heart, and holding onto what God had lead me to do.

Lana and I have endured much longer times of trial than this since then. There are many personal promises of God that we hold to despite it seemingly being in perpetual future. We know God is faithful, though.


When I plan something, I can map things out for perhaps a year or so. There are always uncertainties – God is a God of surprises, so I try to work in some flexibility in my plans too. I know people who have 5 year goals, or even 10 year goals that they are actively working towards.


Sometimes, though, God will plan something for us that is far bigger than the horizon we see. Sometimes he asks us to step out in faith and obedience. Oftentimes he is working behind the scenes through scenarios that seem random and unconnected.

Consider Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 32. God had already made him aware that Israel was going to fall, in fact it was already falling. He had sent letters to those already in captivity telling them to sow crops and make families there… this was not going to be a short exile. God had planned their exile, and was already planning the blessing 70 years later.


Yet, despite all logic, God had Jeremiah spend 17 shekels of silver to purchase land that had practically been captured by Babylon and seal the deed in a jar that would outlast him. Despite the hardship Israel found themselves in, God's plan of prosperity for Israel had not been aborted. It was on the other side of the dark period they faced.


I like to think of someone who has a 10-year plan – and is working towards it – to be extremely organized and proactive. God, though, has 20-year plans in your life that He is working towards… even 30 year plans, 40 year plans, 50 year plans… even longer sometimes.


We can work with the limited resources we see, and could potentially foresee. God, however, knows what is over the horizon and what He will prepare for you on the way there.


There can be delays though. Sometimes, it's us. Perhaps it's something that we just have to let go – or even repent of. Perhaps it's an unforgiveness. We can all have parts of our lives that were probably not part of God's plan… I honestly don't believe that God plans our mistakes – obedience is our responsibility.


 Sometimes the actions of others can postpone things in our life too – I believe. However, I do believe that God can plan around it and can offer grace for repentance and restoration – even restoration for the time lost. 

Sometimes, though, it's just not time yet – and the time that God is asking you to steward hope for can be a long time away


Despite this – finding the balance of hope and trust despite circumstances. In a western culture, it is hard to find examples of long-term plans and the concept can seem quite alien and even cruel. Our political systems are based on election cycles, our pays come each week/month, and we are used to only stewarding things for a relatively short term. A good parent will encourage their children to step beyond their perceived (false) boundaries if the boundaries will lead to underachieving. In the same way, it is not cruel for God to ask us to hold onto something that is beyond what we believe we can do – he knows our strengths and what we are capable of.


In every season, I have come to lean on God more and more and trust Him that He knows the why. He is always working in our life to establish something greater – to grow us, to equip us, to mature us. Sometimes, decades of failures can be the foundation of something great – if we have learned to persist, forgive, learn and mature. There is no age limit to when God can birth something new and important in our lives – as long as we draw breath and are willing to follow – He can use us for great and mighty things.

Disappointments will come and go, but they are not the sum of your life. He is birthing something in you though, and has been working on it for a long time.


Remember though – “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” Prov 15.22 ESV. Find good, wise, godly friends who can speak into your life – who are wise and willing to be honest when it may be hard. Be that friend for someone else too. Also, be willing to test any promise that aligns deeply with your heart's desire – often it is easy to have one sound like the other. Speak with God, seek His counsel on your plans.

I pray this blesses you today.


The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,

And He delights in his way.

 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;

For the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalm 37:23-24 NKJV

Kevin Vawser



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