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You are moving mountains the enemy is occupying. Your obedience is shifting spiritual atmospheres, tearing down strongholds, and disrupting the enemy’s plans.

You are taking ground the enemy thought he owned. Every step you take is reclaiming territory for the Kingdom of God, advancing into areas the enemy has long held captive.

You are moving out of survival into the freedom of the Lord. You are breaking free from cycles of fear, lack, and striving, stepping into the abundant life Jesus promised.

You are a threat to the enemy’s plans. The enemy is targeting you because your obedience carries divine strategies that dismantle darkness.

You are undergoing promotion and elevation. This season of warfare is preparing you for greater authority and influence. God is refining you for new levels of leadership.

You are about to give birth to a new move of God. The intensity you feel is the spiritual labor leading to a release of new life, new vision, and new assignments.

The enemy is attacking your voice and confidence because it is powerful. Your words carry heaven’s authority, and the enemy fears what will happen when you speak out in boldness.

The mental warfare is designed to distract you from your assignment. Confusion, doubt, and fear are weapons the enemy uses to divert you from the path God has laid out for you.

You are on the verge of breakthrough. The enemy’s resistance is often greatest just before the fulfillment of God’s promises. Your breakthrough is imminent.

You are being prepared to lead others into freedom. Your battle is not just about you—it’s about the people you are called to deliver and lead into wholeness.

The battle is confirmation of your calling. The intensity of opposition reveals the significance of your assignment. You are marked by God for a great purpose.

The target on your back is evidence that the enemy sees you as a threat. You are being attacked not because you are failing, but because the enemy knows you carry the power to win.

The One who called you is faithful to finish what He started. God is with you in every battle. What He began in you, He will complete. He will see you through to victory.

You are increasing in anointing. The pressing you feel is producing new oil—fresh anointing that will empower you to carry greater spiritual authority.

You are about to enter a new season of visibility and influence. God is positioning you to be seen and heard in ways you have never experienced before. Your time to shine is near.

You are about to build what the enemy has tried to hold back provision on. The resistance against your resources is because what you are building will dismantle darkness. But provision is being released.

You are breaking through the ceilings of demonic holds. The limitations the enemy tried to place over you are being shattered. You are rising above the boundaries of fear, oppression, and control 

You are walking in obedience that terrifies the enemy. Your steps of faith are advancing God’s kingdom and disrupting the enemy’s plans, causing him to panic.

You are breaking generational cycles and strongholds. You are confronting spiritual patterns that have held people captive for generations, becoming a pioneer of freedom.

You are walking into promises the enemy tried to steal. What the enemy delayed, God is restoring. You are about to claim promises that have been held back.

You are being transformed to carry new oil. The process you are in is producing fresh revelation, strength, and anointing for the next season.

The enemy is trying to exhaust you so you give up. Fatigue and weariness are his tactics, but God’s grace is sufficient—He will renew your strength.

Your mind is under attack because your thoughts shape your future and guide your steps. The enemy knows if he can influence your thinking, he can derail your destiny by leading you off course and creating Ishmaels, but God has given you the mind of Christ.

You are facing opposition because your prayers are effective. The enemy fears your intercession because it releases heaven’s will on earth and shifts spiritual atmospheres.

You are stepping into a new level of identity and authority. The attacks on your identity are attempts to keep you from fully stepping into who God has called you to be.

The attack is proof of your influence in the spiritual realm. Your life carries spiritual weight, and the enemy’s resistance is proof that you are making an impact.

God is using the pressure to reveal what cannot stay. The battle is exposing lies and fears that God is purging from your life to make room for His fullness.

You are aligning with God’s timing, which the enemy hates. You are stepping into divine timing, and no force in hell can stop what God has ordained for you.

The warfare will serve as a testimony to others. What you overcome will become a testimony that strengthens and guides others through their own battles.

Hold your ground. The intensity of the warfare is not a sign of defeat but a sign of impending victory. What you carry is worth fighting for, and what God has promised you will come to pass. Stay faithful—breakthrough, provision, and freedom are on the horizon. So as you see the bullseye hovering over you begin to praise God because you are moving and shaking and evicting darkness. KEEP GOING! 

Nate Johnston



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